11-3-2023 TYPOS & a few re-WRITTEN & re-EDITTED corrections re: How Rock Bottom Can Reach The Top | Mystery School 257"
TYPOS CORRECTED RE-WRITTEN & re-EDITTED formerly deleted post REVISED & REINCARNATED: 8-27-2023 afternoon
August 27, 2023 15:56 pst
re: " How Rock Bottom Can Reach The Top | Mystery School 257"
re: How Rock Bottom Can Reach The Top | Mystery School 257 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7eASaGlxbg&t=0s
re-WRITTEN & re-EDITTED formerly deleted post REVISED & REINCARNATED: August 26, 2023 Here re: How Rock Bottom Can Reach The Top | Mystery School 257 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7eASaGlxbg&t=0s
is yet another 1 Frater Xavier's videos essentially where he comes across as saying:
"I was 1 of you pathetic worthless and weak rock bottom pieces of shit once upon a time a long long time ago. I was just like you. I was one of you. I was just like all you plebian sycophants student once upon a time, a long, long time ago, but I got my shit together and turned my life around and you can too! "
Follow me and buy my shit as I dangle a carrot some more:
The people who don't won't don't because they got too comfortable down there at rock bottom and don't feel discomfort. It's all their own choice and fault. "
YET NEVER REVEALING HIS face beyond that grim reaper hoodie image.
It's been a perplexing journey for me highly suspicious who T.F. Frater Xavier is. It's interesting to me how Frater Xavier sometimes reveals intimate details of his life hidden in plain site, such as His claim to being based out of Missouri born 9th of January 1971 with Pisces Rising,
which makes him Moon in Gemini opposing Mercury in Sagittarius, and a lot of other things based on his astrological chart. Yet no one reveals Frater Xavier's identity, his real legal name, and his face. No one publishes or doxes him after over a decade of him producing youtube videos. This incredulity and refraining from exposing him raises my eye brow, if no one else will. I suspect him of being a carefully crafted limited hangout psyop, of some good ole boy Free Mason or Rosicrucian club, with some serious NLP gimmicks and tricks and handlers with oaths not to reveal his identity. Or perhaps maybe he does reveal that in plain sight too?
Same receding hairlines? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQ2OtZxkOqg

There's definitely a well disciplined persistent, admirable, very Capricornian, capricious, disciplined, dedication, and respectable method to his madness, and moreover enticement to his audience into curiosity with his persistence. There's something about his tone of voice that reminds me of Vincent Price's voice and there's something about the synchronicity of Vincent Price being born and raised in Saint Louis Missouri that gives me some intuitive heebee jeebee agitating curiosity, most definitely a competitive agitation
Coincidence? I can't help but wonder if this shit is part of an occultist order in Missouri based near Saint Louis https://wearecult.rocks/the-spooky-spoken-word-of-vincent-price
Vincent goes into depths about witch hunts of Europe and torture and the worst extremes of the inquisition done in the name of Christianity which is horribly not Jesus's attitude toward female criminals at all:
And that is typical
FALSE DICHOTOMY / hegelian dialectic / OF MASCULINE divinity & FEMININE DIVINITY with the rise and fall of Abrahamic religions as I tried to illustrate here:https://gab.com/spiralcosmosart/posts/110947708825595591 where they forget their own Teachers teachings.
re: Vincent Price - Witchcraft~Magic: An Adventure In Demonology (1969) Full LP
UPDATED ADDED 8-27-2023 re: "Beware of #1 This is equated with the primal chaos" - Vincent Price
+Listen to how many times Baha'i Hand of the Cause Collin FeatherStone says "One" refers to One God, Unity of the Human race https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuY7QecSl9I
much in contrarian utter contrast to Vincent Price instructing baneful
Magick and saying "Beware of the #1 This is Equated with the primal
chaos" - Vincent Price
#OurStoryIsOne https://twitter.com/hashtag/OurStoryIsOne?src=hashtag_click LINK https://twitter.com/spiralcosmosart
Vincent Price said, while instructing on obviously baneful magick
"Certain numbers have magical powers. "the number 3 is paramount. Odd
numbers are lucky, even numbers unlucky, but Beware of #1 this is
equated with the primal chaos" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIFKLrXqYIY&t=4422s
and why wouldn't Satanic Kabbalistic creepy occultists be afraid of it
if They're utterly against a Monotheistic God of the Universe upsetting
their pre-conceived polytheist idols?
re: The Three False God's told by Shoghi Effendi of the Baha'i Faith https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/shoghi-effendi/promised-day-come/5#703829286 +Listen to how many times Baha'i Hand of the Cause Collin FeatherStone says "One" refers to One God, Unity of the Human race https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuY7QecSl9I
much in contrarian utter contrast to Vincent Price instructing baneful Magick and saying "Beware of the #1 This is Equated with the primal chaos" - Vincent Price
Vincent Price Iconic Lines (The Masque of the Red Death)
Tthat persistence is 1 of those things I cannot deny he's good at. I can totally own up to that cleverness is beyond anything I'd ever do , but I don't have much respect for people who pay money to an anonymous grim reaper F-ing image giving those patronizing dogmatic condescending and belittling speeches on the occult, as though he is an authority on anything. His technique is playbook from the 1974 Movie Zardoz Release dates February 6, 1974 and the Character Arthur Frayn with that kind of menacing flying idol head and I feel like my life's work is a detective work, liberating my self from Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, being played like Zed was played by Arthur Frayn in that Movie was played. Frater Xavier incites and agitates and plays competitive agitation of me like a fiddle like Kanye West was played and is extricating himself
Zardoz (derived from wiZARDofOZ (which is more on the theme of "the man behind the curtain" & "the Wizard of Oz") --- all with a lot of occult phenomena. If you can't see some areas of gimicky charlatanism shtick, If you can't perceive some patronizing dogmatic bull shit out of Frater Xavier, and only hear the positive as he persistently toots his own horn reading only positive letters (whether those letters are doctored, imagined as doctored, fake or real people's testimony or they're testimony of stockholm syndrome sychophants) , and as he glosses over his critics as people in "scarcity" or "toO polaraized", and IF you can't find better alternative IRL consultant about the Occult, If you can't DYOR beyond pissing money on a F-ING pontificating dork whose made a name for himself in a grim reaper black hooded image, If you are fawning after that F-ing NLP big confident daddy voice, pretending he's nothing but benevolent big brother, and if you never consider maybe he hardly gives anymore than 2 shits about you, than you're pretty pathetically failing to perceive true spiritual teachers who reveal their Craft & Teachings in full sunlight such as this Great Widow's immortalized speech Praising her late Husband's life work dedicated to Her Great Grand Father in Law .
Those include such Divine Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, Moses, and Baha'u'llah and a lot of other of the Great Divine Luminaries https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/shoghi-effendi/advent-divine-justice/3#496642817
whose Great work withstands the test of time. And so that is not to say I hate Frater Xavier and see nothing positive when he does acknowledge and throw in some speech about how he is humbled by Jesus Christ, or His videos on the subject of Forgiveness https://www.youtube.com/@mindandmagick/search?query=jesus
, or that he promotes the Great Psalms of David and says something with some humility some of the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wav5dwwTq7 However there’s a certain cringe at the idea of him dangling a carrot at his audience, rebranding and peddling the book of Psalms as Magick empowerment available for Fiat currency.
You who know anything about the Biblical King David know how weird that is. David established the last good Jewish nationhood, but his son King Solomon https://youtu.be/tIFKLrXqYIY?t=1069 eventually betrayed him.
Modern Free Masonry and a lot of associated secret societies are a cult of King Solomon’s Magick worship a fallen and corrupted man slut King and not their TRUE King born of a truly Gender Balanced Union:
X-Factor Winner - Altiyan Childs - Reveals World's Secret Religion https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=altiyan%20childs%20&kind=video&sort=old
King Solomon was a man slut (1 Kings 11 explains his obscene obsession with collecting diverse weird wives ) A lot of traditional Western Ceremonial Magicians (including Frater Xavier) and that whole Goetia (which is a list of vices, and the shadows of the Virtues in the inversion of the 72 angels of the shem hephorash) venerate fallen Jew king Solomon to this day. It seems to me fair to say Solomon’s style led to eventual decline of Judaism with that old religions’ worst low points being crucifying their own teacher Jesus Christ. Jesus didn’t appreciate the Great Temple in Jerusalem being a shopping mall all whored out into a commercialized enterprise charging fiat currency for salvation. Matthew 21 tells that story. Matthew 21:12-13 KJV “And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”
I guess some people can see the positive better than me. And that's where "to each their own" is obvious. I REALLY don’t hate Frater Xavier, I love him for being an agitator, and such an annoying complete stoic pragmatic highly disciplined F-ing capricious ambitious F-ing tool so I'm reminded I'm not missing out on life by refraining from exploiting people for fiat currency more than I'm inclined to just by the conditions trying to survive with bare essentials at the bottom tier of Maslow's pyramid of needs bottom tier.
I am guilty of being a counter contrarian pontificating dork myself and there’s no doubt the projection effect of reflecting something back is a real phenomena too. https://twitter.com/spiralcosmosart/status/1694397547249561898
re: Magician's list of woes. Getting their ass handed to them by better Magicians is inevitable. re: man w/ grim reaper image, a Ceremonial Western Magician & his Zardoz 1974 shtick/ gimmick near Saint Louis, MO #Baha'i #OurStoryIsOne #داستان\_ما\_یکیست https://file.bahai.media/3/31/The_American_Bah%C3%A1%E2%80%99%C3%AD_September_1974.pdf Words can’t describe the indescribable irony of my heart as a child still fawning after the Great speeches of https://file.bahai.media/e/e5/Ruhiyyih_Khanum_speaking_in_London_close_World_Congress_1963.mp3 in 1974
Amatu’l-Bahá RúhÃyyih Rabbánà (August 8, 1910 - January 19, 2000), best known as RúhÃyyih Khánum, was the wife of Shoghi Effendi who was the Guardian of the Bahá’à Faith. She served as Shoghi Effendi's secretary and he appointed her as a Hand of the Cause.
Words can't describe summoning up memories of that moment in time of early childhood. The last thing I want to do is be the least bit remiss in sharing that memory of then and there under than majestic Gateway Arch monument.
I can’t overemphasize and refrain from risking repeating there's a real ironic synchromystic experience of my very early childhood in 1974 and Saint Louis, Missouri, myself a Sun Virgo of 1971 and another acquaintance peer (a Sun Taurus in 1971 who I met awhile back who also had Baha'i parents and may have been there too).
I have no clue where Frater Xavier was then and there, while we were in that Great city in Missouri, being Capricorn of 1971 makes a solar Grand Earth Trine of 1971 3 synchromystic brothers with our common North Node in Aquarius a.k.a. Rahu in Hindu/vedic astrology of Generation X. The way Saint Louis is centered where the paths of the 2 major Solar eclipse of USA cross is significant. There's no doubt the Saint Louis Gateway Arch
is a monument of great Occult significance, with some compelling claims the Gateway arch protects the city from tornadoes through some occult technology. https://www.gatewayarch.com/the-arch-true-purpose-revealed-gateway-arch-built-to-control-weather-claims-builder/. My parents brought me to that National Baha'i Conference in 1974. There were ritual prayers we went to at least dawn 1 morning at the Gateway Arch. Words can't describe what a bizarre dreamworld trance a child is in that state and those precious memories that are a brilliant archeological discovery of my mind. Wordscan't describe how those memories needs to be shared.
If you want save your money rather than piss it away on MindandMagick b.s., These major Tablets (the Fire tablet, the tablet of Ahmad, and the Long Healing Prayer) will work better than any of that Grim Reaper bullshit pimping out The book of Psalms
Tablet of Ahmad "Be thou as a flame of fire to My enemies and a river of life eternal to My loved ones, and be not of those who doubt."
Tablet of Ahmad sang by Brian Taraz
PROMISED DAY HAS COME https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/shoghi-effendi/promised-day-come/5#703829286
Fire Tablet' by Shadi Toloui-Wallace & Shidan
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