MIRRORED FROM GAB Basic spiritual occult protection 101 from alleged "Jew pathology"

  MIRRORED FROM GAB https://gab.com/spiralcosmosart/posts/111416547471142787  Basic spiritual occult protection 101 from alleged "Jew pathology"

RE-EDITTED & ADDED 1/31/2024 Basic spiritual occult protection 101 from Jew pathology   https://gab.com/spiralcosmosart/posts/111744965092146920 added  3rd February 2024   3 Baha'i prayers yt videos / (and their yt channel names) . These are some of my favorite antidotes to Exorcise these demons a.k.a. Angelic virtues to vanquish (subliminal vicious persistent DEEP unconscious STOCKHOLM SYNDROME child trauma programs) : Tablet of Ahmad / Sacred Readings  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKoHrw3aTpk+ Long Healing Prayer Reiko Power https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcDckZnlEqY + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQqEdWCq6DQ  Long Healing Prayer by Baha'u'llah (Chanted by Sima Jaberi)– لوح الشفاء الطويل من آثار حضرة بهاءالله ( 7 DEMONIC SPIRITS Behind Narcissism/Narcissist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAorLhF1hCk  )
  How evil is eating itself 101: https://gab.com/spiralcosmosart/posts/111761688966907584

Multiple links to understand Jew pathology from the perspective of the Baha'i Faith and non-Baha'i non-jews (with heritage) condensed as a matter of religious choice, not as an irredeemable race, contrary to a lot of unjust profiling as guilty by association by Nazis and some white supremacists here on gab.

This post w/the text of the memes and all the references is a pretty comprehensive guide to understand that. https://bahai-library.com/?file=compilation_holocaust_greater_plan.html ++  THE FOUNDATION OF RELIGION by Abdu'l-Baha https://reference.bahai.org/en/t/c/FWU/fwu-26.html +

Notable non-Baha'i ex-Jews or at least respecters of Christianity (but with Jewish  heritage) http://brothernathanaelfoundation.org/index.php (raised Jew, but staunchly converted to Christianity)  + https://henrymakow.com/ (an ex-Jew with some heritage like Brother Nathaniel also critique-ing)
 William Kunstler defends Jesus Christ (so he's 1 of the alleged Jews who was an honorary burgeoning Christian at heart) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft8UNDhV2Uc

BAHA'IS are forbidden from being part of FreeMasonry https://bahai.works/Lights_of_Guidance/Organizations,_Non-Bah%C3%A1%E2%80%99%C3%AD#1388._Bah%C3%A1%E2%80%99%C3%ADs_Requested_to_Withdraw_from_Masonic_and_other_Secret_Societies

01-12-2024 "On the Influence of the Prophets in the Evolution of Humanity– 1 –Nature Is Governed by a Universal Law" - by Abdu'l-Baha where he discusses each and ever major "Manifestation of God" of Abraham's lineage in the Baha'i concept of Progressive Revelation https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/abdul-baha/some-answered-questions/some-answered-questions.xhtml?ad24b9f5#093831255 + some Baha'i recognizied manifestations of God include non-Abrahamic prophets such as word search "Buddha" in this same link https://www.bahai.org/library/authoritative-texts/abdul-baha/some-answered-questions/some-answered-questions.xhtml?ad24b9f5#093831255

ADDED 12-23-2023 It doesn't take long to discover gab is full of fed honeypot spamming non-sensical Nazi / fake account /  LARP idiots / ape white supremacists, AND some others  complaining about "the Jews" and can't even define what "the jews" are with any consistency worth a shit.    Hardly anyone has a working good codification of what constitutes the root cause of Jew pathology.  

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