
Showing posts from January, 2018

Astrology of World Record Everest summitter

Heart sutra: multiple English translations

HapPiness with Valiant And Glorious INteresting Acceptance

POV Disturbing the Universe: Excerpt PBS William Kunstler

"scarcity"/abundance false dichotomy exposed 101?

The Illuminati Formula 💉 Undetectable Mind Control Exposed CIA MK ULTRA MI6 👽 Fritz Springmeier

King Solomon was a corrupted psychopathic piece of shit fraud and the bane of Jews

One of the frequent subversive magick tricks

What is the Hegelian Dialectic?

RE-VISITING Ken Kesey's beautiful advice 101

Heart of transcendent wisdom Sutra: in very Masculine tones

[RE-EDITED FOR TOMORROW 9th January for GOOD REASON] Abundantly Indifferent some more

Pink Floyd / Heart of the Sun / MY 12 year old Poem "Solar Self immolation" / Epic Sun Mahadasha RITUAL