RE-VISITING Ken Kesey's beautiful advice 101

Advice from Ken Kesey: FUCK YOU god! FUCK YOU! given way back in 1989


Exponential Altruism pdf file 2nd of September 2017
Ceremonial Spirituality & Altered States youtube playlist



Exponential Altruism pdf file 2nd of September 2017
Ceremonial Spirituality & Altered States youtube playlist

 The great wisdom of the Merry Prankster Ken Kesey great novelist of “
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
” gives an excellent presentation that the greatest heroic writers and artists always reveals and
shows skepticism of ulterior motives to popular movements and moreover calling out false gods for the
bull shitthey are:
Quoting Ken Kesey Youtube video:  part 4 Moonfish Ken Kesey speaks at_Moonfish_Yachats
Oregon Coast Aug 25 1989   (uploaded by Zane Kesey)  starting about 3:20 minutes into video
“the flaw that happens in many writers”  / “the writing at a certain point began to be a
commercial for some  thing”
brackets italicized like this refer to context interpretation / interpolation by SpiralCosmosArt.  Not any
of Ken Kesey's words
Here is the last lesson of the class: that as a writer,  or as any honest artist, every so often you'll
be walking through life and a light will catch you across the road.  And you will look across and
there will be God himself or herself,  (Jesus or somebody) standing over there and light will be
swirling around him and he will say to you “come to me come to me, all you need to do is come
to me  and muses will fly about your head, you will have life everlasting, everything will work
 Say “fuck you!” “fuck  you god!”  “fuck you!” . . . that's what the writer has to say because
nobody else is going to say it.  We have to turn around and when Reagan [
Ronald Reagan]
out of line and say 'fuck you!'.  It's not going to be musicians.  [
audience applauds
    When they
start trying to do something in K-falls
[Klamath Falls
] with that river down there, and this is a
great big amorphous forest  and people are kind of accommodating, and you'll read these hour
reports or this report you realize “these guys are working for the woods company or these guys
are working for the dam company”  they are lying when they are writing!  As Nelson Aldron
the job of the writer is to pull the judge off the bench and into the docket with the
criminal.  Pull him down to where you feel what it's like down there.
  That's what made
Steinbeck.  That's what made Kerouac [
Jack Kerouac
] It's not the celebration of Ayn Rand's
fountainhead kind of character, but the pulling down of that character to the rest of us down
here.  That's where great writing has always lived and always will live.
Question from person
in the audience:
 “I don't understand, yeah, When the person says “come on over here, come on
over here,  I have like, you know  this great enlightenment why do you want to say “fuck you”?
Ken Kesey Answers:
because he is wanting you to come over on your knees! They never want
you to come over eye level.  I hate to work downhill from anybody or anything.  I don't want to
work downhill or uphill from anybody or anything.  This is what I mean about God doesn't want
to be bored.   God wants you looking right straight across into his eyeballs and being equal with
Him working on things that are needed done. Never mind this praying [
grovelling sniveling
begging prayers
]   I've been in Mexico and watched these women  walk all the way up on their
knees to the alter [
probably referring to the alter in some Roman Catholic church/cathedral
and then turn around leaving this bloody trail around and around and God is going “ick”
[chuckle]    And that takes the writer going in there saying that.  The woman  can't do it.  [
referring the woman in Mexico grovelling in desperation to the alter at the church
].   Yates
performs the trick and he steps outside.  He's not trying to get worship.
