Here's the "great culling" UN Agenda 21 delivered to those who deserve the most: the real parasites:
Joined: Jul 2018
Posts: 125
"Cremation of Care" is a satanic mockery of The Bab's Martyrdom
"Cremation of Care Ritual" is around the 2nd week of July ever year held in a little Redwood Grove along the Northern California Coastline
( Anyways , and so I thought about a good Bahai Writings Idea of what Baha'u'llah seems to be asking the American presidents and politicians to do to counter that and composed this letter to all concerned fto #SurvivorStories and other pertinent activists against child abuse: Dear President Donald Trump, The God of my Understanding and a lot of Other People's understanding is telling you "HEARKEN ye, O Rulers of America and the Presidents of the Republics therein . . . . . Bind ye the broken with the hands of justice, and crush the oppressor " Who could possibly deserve to be binded and healed more than children who are at the mercy of psychopaths to be abused? Perhaps this CREMATION OF APATHY RITUAL, this burning of paper copies of these totenkopfs, helps completely reverse all Bohemian Grove pranks? That occurs right around when the Martyrdom of The Bab happens annually. (9th of July) They're slave mocking everything sacred and Holy to Bahais. THEY'RE SLAVE MOCKING YOU THEY'RE SLAVE MOCKING YOU THEY'RE SLAVE MOCKING YOU! Become a Benevolent Arsonist for God. Simply Burn a paper collection of these skull and bones logos Universal symbols of Dark Occultists (especially the Yale Secret Society) (all who at the very least condoners and enablers of pedocidal pedophile psychopaths): for worshipping the "Skull and Bones" (a.k.a. Nazi Totenkopf in various forms) And Consider Baha'u'llah's Fire Tablet Words "Should all the servants read and ponder this, there shall be kindled in their veins a fire that shall set aflame the worlds." - Baha'u'llah in Reference to His The Fire Tablet" Here's the "great culling" UN Agenda 21 delivered to those who deserve the most: the real parasites: In the spirit of Donnie Darko Film "Burn it to the Ground" as in a covert Pedophile child porn dungeon from a covert pedophile who is a "respectable" charismatic member of a community: EXPOSE AND BURN ALL THE PSYCHOPATHIC HUMAN TRAFFICKING MACHINIZATIONS, from open pedophile normalization, to covert satanic ritual abusers: All to THE GROUND! That is do your part focusing your mind and altering the Collective conscience : Keep the fire burning And CREATE SurgicalLY delivered, collateral damage free. Open annihilation of all child abusing, CHILD torturing pedocidal, pedophile psychopaths. ITS very SIMPLE NATURAL LAW CONCEPT. |
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