Wicked Hashish

In yet another Tablet, 'Abdu'l-Bahá has written:

Regarding hashish you have pointed out that some
Persians have become habituated to its use. Gracious God! This
is the worst of all intoxicants, and its prohibition is explicitly
revealed. Its use causeth the disintegration of thought and the
complete torpor of the soul. How could anyone seek the fruit of the
infernal tree, and by partaking of it, be led to exemplify the
qualities of a monster? How could one use this forbidden drug,
and thus deprive himself of the blessings of the All-Merciful?
Alcohol consumeth the mind and causeth man to commit
acts of absurdity, but this opium, this foul fruit of the infernal
tree, and this wicked hashish extinguish the mind, freeze the
spirit, petrify the soul, waste the body and leave man frustrated
and lost.

It should be noted that the above prohibition against
taking certain classes of drugs does not forbid their use
when prescribed by qualified physicians as part of a medical
