07-18-2021 backing up reddit debate comments re: cult of sycophants of Frater Xavier

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level 1

Damn, you really THAT butt hurt you got kicked out of the group? This is a pretty big tribute you posted. Have you produced any material better than FX? If so please post. You made a new Reddit account just to blast FX? Bless your heart! 😂
level 2
Op ·

    If you want to allege butthurt, the butthurt is far beyond getting kicked out of that stupid facebook group of sychophants determined to only allow comments from ass kissers, just like the youtube comments that only allow those who kiss his ass. I totally expected to get banned from that group and knew it was only a matter of time before I really perceived the m.o. of deception and tell it how it was at a visceral real level that is constantly censored. I might use this account for other rants in the future, but in the meantime this account is to clarify.

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level 3
just now

So what have you produced that’s more accurate where you claim FX is lacking? It seems you have quite the axe to grind, nearly little to no axe at this point since you’ve been on it for so long. Your first post/reply to a post about FX was 3 years ago. In 3 years you haven’t moved on or produced anything better to outshine him and show us a better way?
level 4
Op ·

IF you don't see my productive online content as some proof to you that I've since evolved over the past 3 years to respect Frater Xavier as a formidable adversary, find hima great demonstrator of the Method Operandi of the likes of worse people,. like Andrew Fauci and the pedophile enabling community of my childhood in other blogposts of mine, , your idea of "shine" verses "outshine" is eggregiously deluded and irrelevant to me. I respect an adversary that incites me to be a stronger better person, but that doesnt make him any less of an adversary, just an adversary that's not a big danger to me because I was never going to buy any of his products. I respect the fact that he triggers me to debunk him and worse people with full thorough and meticulously delivered wrath that's long overdue here https://bahaipdxwitness1984.wordpress.com/2021/06/15/if-ever-there-was-a-pattern-to-a-krampus-personality/ . “O God! Give Thou glory to the watchman, and riches and long life. Forthe watchman was Gabriel, guiding this poor one; or he was Isráfíl,bringing life to this wretched one!” https://www.bahai.org/bahaullah/articles-resources/from-seven-valleys
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A BUNCH of these post are re-copied but that just because I don't have time to thoroughly sort them: 

Critique of Frater Xavier. He's been an awesome perplexing agitator to inspire critical thought and learn, even though I also think he's a gimmicky charlatan machiavellen douchebag tool.

START WITH MY LATEST: https://mindtrickmemos.blogspot.com/2021/07/cult-of-sycophants-of-frater-xaviers.html

r/OccultConspiracy - Critique of Frater Xavier. He's been an awesome perplexing agitator to inspire critical thought and learn, even though I also think he's a gimmicky charlatan machiavellen douchebag tool.

Even though I have a healthy respect for Frater Xavier as a clever agitator and prankster, with some persistent peservering ability to deliver basic hermetic concepts. Even though I have healthy respect for him as a trickster that inspires me to think critically and I don't really wish him harm, I don't understand the sycophant cult of people who spend money on someone who never shows his face and never reveals much about his personal life, other than boasting and claiming he his successful, and whose speeches are riddled with doublespeak.

This comes after this facbook group kicked me out after about 9 months of carefully lurking and questioning:




And a grueling gut wrenching tirade how a lot of Sun Capricorn placement people have burned me in the past, and essentially how Frater Xavier reminds me of some of those people: https://bahaipdxwitness1984.wordpress.com/2021/06/15/if-ever-there-was-a-pattern-to-a-krampus-personality/

Other old links : https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/78mwai/any_feedback_on_frater_xavier_programs/




67% Upvoted
Comment as spiralcosmosart

level 4

For those who buy his audio/video instructions and information with your hard earned fiat currency. What part of someone hiding behind a grim reaper image, talking as though he's made some great brilliant material success in life, dangling a carrot that he claims he has some great secrets, with endless sales pitch bullshit, with no one outing who his employers are or were (never told), what he looks like, what his routine discipline truly is, what his family background is, or whether or not he's a goddam military brat, or a cia spook is so important to you that you have to piss your hard earn money towards? What do you get off to hype-ing up a nearly absolute stranger as so damn special? How or why would you pay your hard earned money for that, unless you were deluded he is something else you'd rather him be that you can't prove. For someone who dramatizes such merit in confident speech, yet merit is impossible verify unless you're his intimate acquaintance, that is a crafty gimicky machiavallan tool, the end justifies the means, all the way to his bank account and your deluded mind doesn't. You never hear any account or lack thereof of his private lifestyle, his family members, his close associates, you don't see who he is. All he does is produce crafty audio and visual lectures about some occult science basics of hermeticism, but never shows his actual face or is renown as a great public lecturer or anything like that.

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level 1

Define “right” and provide three examples.

level 2
Op · 22h · edited 19h

Given context of the OP especially:

Right is doing most amount of good and the least possible harm to one's self and fellow own members of one's species (homo sapiens on earth hopefully most of yours)

  1. Freely Denouncing voluntarily the scamdemic (the masks, lockdowns, the vaccines, and especially the forktongue politicians and quacks pushing it) worldwide and attest these principles are true: QUOTE by such 1st people famous herb gathering healer American Indian: "...everything on Earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This in the Indian theory of existence." - Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket) IMHO I think she meant Vitamins (especially c&d), diverse complete essential nutrients, herbs, good diet, exercise & rest balanced saves lives! The politicians are in bed with 1. big pharma 2. quack medical mafia, & 3. duped junk food addicts who CREATE CUSTOMERS NOT CURES!F ACE MUZZLE FOR YOUR CONNNIVING UBIQUITOUS NEUROTIC TRAITOR s"..everything on Earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This in the Indian theory of existence." - Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket). Covid19 is a scam

  2. Freely denouncing voluntarily a douchebag who makes a hollow argument over a stupid meme (that I would never make) of an alleged "bum" = a disheveled homeless man (in this image https://www.google.com/search?tbs=simg:CAQS9wEJExyYYwEl7i0a6wELEKjU2AQaAghCDAsQsIynCBo6CjgIBBIU6QzvPpMi2hGLL6Ql4x2vJJMSlgUaGlgiZc4PbuNkXw5gaKL39Cm2v_1NSVemtd97dIAUwBAwLEI6u_1ggaCgoICAESBDbUi0EMCxCd7cEJGoABChgKBXRvcXVl2qWI9gMLCgkvbS8wMXY5ZDAKGQoHbGVpc3VyZdqliPYDCgoIL20vMDRnM3IKFgoEY2l0edqliPYDCgoIL20vMDFuMzIKGQoGd29vbGVu2qWI9gMLCgkvbS8wMXloNjUKFgoEd29vbNqliPYDCgoIL20vMDlreHAM&q=poor+in+usa&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr2Imw_OzxAhXT0p4KHSwuBhcQ2A4oAXoECAEQMg&biw=1280&bih=591) that no one I'm aware of can provide any information as to his identity, his story , or anything about his circumstances, constrasted with Jeff Bezos.

  3. And boycotting the fuck out of someone with the gall and the arrogance to make strawman lame ridiculous arrogant argument here: 1. https://mindtrickmemos.blogspot.com/2021/07/cult-of-sycophants-of-frater-xaviers.html

If you don't see that last video I referred to by Frater Xavier https://youtu.be/FyQ34rXhVXo?t=416 as pretty nearly as heartless as the Gq man murdering the homeless man in "American Psycho - Homeless Guy Gets Stabbed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY3yzLA-g24 I don't know what else to write.

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I spent two hours at the gym today and can now complete two hundred abdominal crunches in less than three minutes.

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level 4


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level 1

What is morality though? What’s moral to the Christian is immoral to the Muslim.

level 2
Op · 22h · edited 12h

at the root all morality and ethics is the gold rule "do unto others as you would have them do to you" "wish unto other what others wish unto you", especially to your own species: human beings a.k.a as (humans / (homo sapiens))

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level 3

But why? We’re all just homos? Like you said.

level 4

homosapien = human being. ha ha

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level 5

Homos= humans hehe

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level 1

Damn, you really THAT butt hurt you got kicked out of the group? This is a pretty big tribute you posted. Have you produced any material better than FX? If so please post. You made a new Reddit account just to blast FX? Bless your heart! 😂

level 2

If you want to allege butthurt, the butthurt is far beyond getting kicked out of that stupid facebook group of sychophants determined to only allow comments from ass kissers, just like the youtube comments that only allow those who kiss his ass. I totally expected to get banned from that group and knew it was only a matter of time before I really perceived the m.o. of deception and tell it how it was at a visceral real level that is constantly censored. I might use this account for other rants in the future, but in the meantime this account is to clarify.

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level 3

So what have you produced that’s more accurate where you claim FX is lacking? It seems you have quite the axe to grind, nearly little to no axe at this point since you’ve been on it for so long. Your first post/reply to a post about FX was 3 years ago. In 3 years you haven’t moved on or produced anything better to outshine him and show us a better way?

level 4
Op · 20h · edited 20h

IF you don't see my productive online content as some proof to you that I've since evolved over the past 3 years to respect Frater Xavier as a formidable adversary, find hima great demonstrator of the Method Operandi of the likes of worse people,. like Andrew Fauci and the pedophile enabling community of my childhood in other blogposts of mine, , your idea of "shine" verses "outshine" is eggregiously deluded and irrelevant to me. I respect an adversary that incites me to be a stronger better person, but that doesnt make him any less of an adversary, just an adversary that's not a big danger to me because I was never going to buy any of his products. I respect the fact that he triggers me to debunk him and worse people with full thorough and meticulously delivered wrath that's long overdue here https://bahaipdxwitness1984.wordpress.com/2021/06/15/if-ever-there-was-a-pattern-to-a-krampus-personality/ . “O God! Give Thou glory to the watchman, and riches and long life. Forthe watchman was Gabriel, guiding this poor one; or he was Isráfíl,bringing life to this wretched one!” https://www.bahai.org/bahaullah/articles-resources/from-seven-valleys

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level 5

This is quite the hobby of yours for the past 3, 4 years!

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level 1

That would be a personal interpretation of ethics, morality is basically the definition gave of conformity

level 2
Op · 21h · edited 19h

So BadLiar43 how do you draw the line between "personal interpretation" and "impersonal interpretation" of ethics, morality? And why would you say morality is the defnitiion of conformity? Morality is an anathema to the definition of conformiity nowadays. I got to refer to Mark Passio as someone whose gone out an limb denouncing what you' explain, distingquishing betwen morality verses moral relativist view point: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mark+passio+morality+moral+relative FYI

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level 1

Jesus Christ man, GIVE IT UP. THIS AINT HEALTHY NO MORE. Like its one thing to vent but to go on a damn crusade. Let it go man.

level 2

Whatever. The honest truth bomb hit piece wild cats are out of their bag. I don't know what's up and where up to give that you have in mind?

level 1
Op · 1d · edited 22h

START WITH MY LATEST: https://mindtrickmemos.blogspot.com/2021/07/cult-of-sycophants-of-frater-xaviers.html

Even though I have a healthy respect for Frater Xavier as a clever agitator and prankster, with some persistent peservering ability to deliver basic hermetic concepts. Even though I have healthy respect for him as a trickster that inspires me to think critically and I don't really wish him harm, I don't understand the sycophant cult of people who spend money on someone who never shows his face and never reveals much about his personal life, other than boasting and claiming he his successful, and whose speeches are riddled with doublespeak.

This comes after this facbook group kicked me out after about 9 months of carefully lurking and questioning:




And a grueling gut wrenching tirade how a lot of Sun Capricorn placement people have burned me in the past, and essentially how Frater Xavier reminds me of some of those people: https://bahaipdxwitness1984.wordpress.com/2021/06/15/if-ever-there-was-a-pattern-to-a-krampus-personality/

Other old links : https://www.reddit.com/r/occult/comments/78mwai/any_feedback_on_frater_xavier_programs/




level 1
Op · 1d · edited 21h

There are some psychological warfare tactics that are like dangling a carrot, in many respects I am sucker for another dirty trick that is dangling a cockroach, which is what a lot of my determination to write a reaction to Frater Xavier is.

level 1

For those who buy his audio/video instructions and information with your hard earned fiat currency. What part of someone hiding behind a grim reaper image, talking as though he's made some great brilliant material success in life, dangling a carrot that he claims he has some great secrets, with endless sales pitch bullshit, with no one outing who his employers are or were (never told), what he looks like, what his routine discipline truly is, what his family background is, or whether or not he's a goddam military brat, or a cia spook is so important to you that you have to piss your hard earn money towards? What do you get off to hype-ing up a nearly absolute stranger as so damn special? How or why would you pay your hard earned money for that, unless you were deluded he is something else you'd rather him be that you can't prove. For someone who dramatizes such merit in confident speech, yet merit is impossible verify unless you're his intimate acquaintance, that is a crafty gimicky machiavallan tool, the end justifies the means, all the way to his bank account and your deluded mind doesn't. You never hear any account or lack thereof of his private lifestyle, his family members, his close associates, you don't see who he is. All he does is produce crafty audio and visual lectures about some occult science basics of hermeticism, but never shows his actual face or is renown as a great public lecturer or anything like that.

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In my experience, secrets (at least the mystical ones) are revealed, not sold...


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